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P.O. box 19796, Jerusalem
Tel. 02-628-2062, FAX 02-6287842
for the 50th
The 50th anniversary celebration of Rawdat
El-Zuhur was eventually observed amidst turbulence and uncertainty. Much of the original program had to be
cancelled, but we were able to have the musical and the art and photo
exhibits. We also have put together a
commemorative Book entitled A Radiant Hope.
You may view it by clicking the “cover” link.
pressure from the parents of the graduates
of Rawdat El-Zuhur has been the major challenge of the jubilee. The parents have been pressuring the
to add upper classes to enable their children to stay at the school for
a few
more years.
This has encouraged the board to think seriously of upgrading the
We know this will entail not only new premises but a much larger
administratively and financially. But in the process of serving
community, and with the shortage of Palestinian schools in Jerusalem to
absorb all the additional numbers of students, we feel it is worthwhile
investing in a few extra years. What we feel is
basic, is that the children will be older and more mature after the
or tenth grade. By then, those graduates will be able to hold on to all
the principles and
values which they have acquired at Rawdat El-Zuhur along the
strongly feel
that Rawdat El-Zuhur is worthy of being adopted as a haven for children
where it has the potential to experiment on new methods in
leadership training and civic education. It is only through a proper
process that we can bring about changes in the mentality, concepts and
performance of our people, and prepare them for nationhood. Our success
along the years has been due to the vision and courage to attempt new
innovative programs.