P.O. box 19796, Jerusalem 91017
Tel. 02-628-2062, FAX 02-6287842
Although this guest book was initiated for the 50th anniversary celebrations which as you can see from the letter below, had to be cancelled, please take time to visit us on this site and sign the guest book irrespective of the occasion. If you send a greeting by email above, it will be posted promptly by the webmaster.
Please read the messages below.
April 1, 2002Dear Friends:
It is with a heavy heart that I am writing to let you know that in view of the deteriorating situation, we had to take a very difficult decision this morning to postpone the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of Rawdat El-Zuhur. It will almost be impossible to celebrate under such circumstances, and when all schools are closed as well.
I am writing you this with a lump in my throat; I almost feel like crying. I cried enough today watching the news of those murdered in cold blood while others were pushed, blindfolded and hundcuffed, into jeeps like a herd of sheep. God knows what their fate will be as they were driven to unknown destinations. Some of them are students at Birzeit University, some are part of the police forces of the Palestinian Authority, while others are family men with responsible jobs. Life has been absolutely disrupted and toppled over night for all those families, and for thousands of others who are under siege in their homes.
We know the children are going to be very disappointed, as they have been so excited preparing for the occasion. But luckily they had a dress rehearsal last week for the musical on the occasion of Mothers’ day on March 21, when most of the mothers did attend. So we hope we can still celebrate before the end of the year. “This Week in Palestine” has featured Elizabeth Nasir, the founder of Rawdat El-Zuhur, as the personality of the month.. On April 2, we commemorate the memory of her death fifteen years ago. Bless her soul. The article was supposed to be posted on their website http://www.thisweekinpalestine.com/, but due to the closure of the Territories it was not possible. However, you will find it on our website www.rawdat.org
So we hope we can still celebrate before the end of the year.”
With warm greetings,
Samia and Salwa.
Mon., 18 Mar 2002
May God bless you in all the work you do, and may the next 50 years discover peace in the land and heart. I wish I could be there. If others reading this will send a picture of past experiences at Rawdat El Zuhur, I can post them here.
Bob Quillen, web master, St.John's Lutheran Church, Fremont Ohio.
Mon., 18 Mar 2002
How great it would be to be with you during your celebration - and at no time do you need visitors more! Unfortunately I cannot be there, but you will certainly be in our hearts and prayers during those special days. I am sure it will be very meaningful to the children and to your many alumni. Know that so many of us are with you in spirit, if we cannot be there in person. Hopefully we will have a visit soon. Nancy Lapp
Tue., 19 Mar 2002
Dear faculty, students and alumni of Rawdat El-Zuhur,
Congratulations on celebrating your 50th anniversary. As a teacher myself, I very often find myself thinking of you in these difficult and trying times you face. However, as the name of your school indicates, each of you is truly a blossoming 'rose' in the garden of hope and prosperity. May the near future bring each of you many peaceful days of brotherly love and a steadfast quest for education.
Warm wishes from Arlington Public Schools, Virginia.
Roula Bordcosh
We send our prayer and best wishes for a joyous and safe celebration. Peace, Esther & Bob Ziegler
I send this message of greeting to you all. I congratulate the continuity of this school through the years. Love and a good education are the most important gifts we give to our children. Love, Tommy Haas
Congratulations on your 50th anniversary, and on all that you have done for generations of children, in spite of the great difficulties you have had to face. I pray and trust that the celebration will go well, and lift everyone's spirits. Rev. Laurie Smith
It was an honour and a privilege to be asked by Lizzy Nasir to serve on the board of Rawdat El-Zuhur for several years. Since I left Jerusalem in 1968 I have often thought of those days when I would visit the school spontaneously. What always impressed me was the smile on the beautiful faces of the children and the great love and devotion to Lizzy and the school. Lizzy Nasir had the great vision of preparing and educating these youngsters for a better future and understanding of their role as good citizens. I send my best wishes and assuring you of my continuous support. Sincerely Ada Kalbian
This brings you my warmest greetings. I would dearly love to be with you all at this very special time, but you will be very much in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that your musical story will lift your spirits and enable you to share in joy and happiness in spite of all the troubles that surround you on a daily basis. Try to go on believing that God is faithful and that He shares in both your suffering and your hopes for the future. May you know His very special blessings. With love and prayers, Sue Hargreaves
We wanted to be with you to celebrate next month but we will be with you in thought and prayer. We send you our love and best wishes. Dendy and Ellie Garrett
We have fond memories of our visits to the school in the past and hope your celebration is all you hoped for, in spite of all the unrest and war that continues in your area. We are sorry for that. We are sorry that we cannot be there for the celebration. Blessings to you all as you continue your ministry with children. Don't give up. You are making a difference in the lives of many, many children!!!! Love, Louise Augustine and Marilyn Henrichs
Thank you for the invitation and every good wish for a very successful time. I do so hope there is nothing to mar a very happy time for everyone. Many, many congratulations to all concerned. With Love, Marion Rutter
We salute you, the staff, the students, the parents, and the supporters of this distinguished institution. The invitation invites us to reflect on the service rendered during unjust, sad, violent, brutal days – fifty years of them! But those days also saw the happy and boisterous children, the dedicated and determined staff on their mission of nurturing the children, and the supporters providing the wherewithal to keep it going – all in the face of obstacles and challenges large and small. It reminds us of the words of quiet triumph we heard from many Palestinians: “we're still here!” We send our best wishes and love to you all – for the next 50 years! Joe and Billye Elmore
Please hold me excused, and know that I shall have you all in my heart and prayers on April 4th and 5th. I am so sorry to be unable to join you. Denise Hogan
Unfortunately Canada is too far for us to be able to join you for your 50th Anniversary celebrations. But we should like to join with your many other friends overseas in expressing our congratulations and deep admiration for your accomplishments, your perseverance and your courage, especially amidst the appalling situation which you are all facing, and our best wishes for a happier, brighter future for you and yours .
Michael and Susan Shenstone
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary.
We admire you for what you have done and are doing with children of need in your area of Jerusalem. In spite of the troubled times you have given education and stability to their lives. We pray for God to continue to bless you, your work and the children. We join you in prayer for Peace. With Love, Marian Gmeiner and the Ladies of the Church Circle of the First Church of Christ of Sandwich, Massachusetts
Best of luck and hoping you are all well and safe. Omar Al-Qattan
Dear Friends at Rawdat El-Zuhur
I am thinking of you all as you celebrate your fiftieth anniversary. Your school is so beautifully named. We in Wales have a national flower - the daffodil. It blossoms in the spring and so at this time Wales is being made beautiful with the glow of thousands of yellow daffodils. We all look forward to the flowering time, as it is a signal from nature that the dull, cold, gray days of winter are drawing to an end and we can look forward to the renewal of the earth.
I think of the children, past, present and future of Rawdat El-Zuhur who blossom and signal a new way of living to the world. Every person who has been touched by the spirit of he school will witness a new way of renewing the earth and being the people of God.
May you long continue to blossom and grow, bringing joy, peace, beauty and happiness to all you meet.
With my love and prayers. Valerie Martin
I am remembering you and praying for you as you prepare for your celebration at school. I hope things are quiet so you can do all you have hoped for the anniversary. Linda Sheppard
Greetings to Samia and Salwa and all the present, past and future students of Rawdat El-Zuhur.
I was thrilled to read of your planned celebration of your school. Inshallah you will have a great time in spite of your difficult circumstances. I think Elizabeth Nasir would be thrilled and be right there in the front row listening to the musical. What a wonderful way to celebrate! Gods blessings to all of you and KEEP ON SINGING!!! Jan Siemens
Dear Friends:
I rejoice with you all as you plan for your 50th anniversary in God’s work there in Jerusalem at Rawdat El-Zuhur with your wonderful children, teachers and friends. My heart is with you at this special time, and continues with you daily, in the difficult circumstances with which you live. My joy of having been in your school and those memories uplift many of my days here. I pray that God will guide you and continue to bless you. With love and thanksgiving for all of you there. Beth Griffin
Congratulations to Rawdat El-Zuhur on 50 years of service to children. May God strengthen you in your work and give you peace and happiness. We would love to be there.
Rev. Judith Chapman
Rev. Philip Chapman
It is certainly a beam of light and a space for joy, amidst the burning homeland, from oppression, and occupation , to celebrate Elizabeth Nasir’s plantation of Rawdat El-Zuhur, the garden of flowers, for our marginalized children of Palestine. A very happy golden anniversary as you celebrate it with the sound of music. May it be a signal for regaining Palestinian sovreign life in the mother city of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. May your musical of hope bring back to us in confidence alone. Mabrook to all the family of Rawdat El-Zuhur. Samir Kafity
Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of Rawdat El-Zuhur! It is a real tribute to the courage and steadfastness of the Palestinian people. Miss Nasir would be so proud of all of your dedication and devotion through the many difficulties and injustices you have faced, and that you continue to face. We are sending you a contriubtion for the anniversary to be used where it is needed most. With love, prayers and fond memories of Rawdat El-Zuhur. Ralph and Laurel Doermann
Congratulations on your 50th anniversary. I have a compliment for Rawdat school. Jane Price, who was in our little group when we visited loved the school so much and said to me later. “Everything I would hope for is in that school” Jane Wolfe
Dear Samia and Salwa:
I acknowledge with thanks your invitation for the 50th anniversary of Rawdat El-Zuhur. Rest assureed that we shall be with you in spirit on the 4th and 5th of April with your jubilee celebrations.
Norma, being one of the veteran head mistresses of this special school and I who was personally involved in many consultations and advice for the late Miss Elizabeth Nasir, may God bless her soul, the founder, back in 1952, both cherish sweet memories of the school. Even our daughters who, within their own means, contributed as well to the school when it had just a few junior classes and only few students.
Looking at the school today, one appreciates very much the efforts, dedication and loyalty of the educational board under both your direct leadership and skills with the tremendous development and upgrade of the facilities to create it to what it is today. On this occasion please accept my contribution for the continuance of progress and development of the younger generation, and wish you and the school, the teachers and the students further progress, and God bless you always.
With best regards. Johnny, Norma, Nadine and Janine Fattaleh.
My apologies for not being able to be with you for the celebrations.
Please know that I will be thinking of you on those two days and also know that my heart is all there and that my gift will not be diminshed in the least. My love to everyone and I am proud of Palestine and the Palestinians. Huda Khoury
Dear Samia and Salwa:
I just want to say how much all f you at Rawdat El-Zuhur and indeed al the people of the Holy Land are in my thoughts and prayers at this time. What should have been such a happy time of celebration for you and the children is now such a time of grief and sorrow. Those of us who live in peace and security cannot begin to imagine the difficulties under which you live on a daily basis. It has been heartbreaking for us to see the carnage which is taking place on our TV screens, and we feel so helpless. Hopefully at long last the rest of the world is slowly beginning to realize that something must be done to bring a peace which is based on justice and not on oppression. I hope it helps to know that you are not forgotten and that people far away feel the pain of your suffering. May God bless you all as you seek to witness for Him in these difficult times. With my love and prayers. Sue
My heart is heavy, too. And not just because the celebrations have had to be postponed. Every time life reaches a low point like this for me, I try to remind myslef of the old adage that “it’s an ill wind that blows no good”. I sincerely hope that in the very near future this will prove once again to be true and that for the first time in the lifetimes of most Palestinians, the sun will begin to shine once again.
Dear Samia:
I read your note with a lump in my throat too. The inability to celebrate the fifty-year presence of a garden in the midst of a desert of oppression and violence is but one more sad indication of the inhumanity of the situation in which you live. Please tell the friends, particularly Salwa and the Nasir clan, that they are all in my heart and in my prayers. Dale
Dear Samia:
Thank you for letting us know about the cancellation of the School’s 50th anniversary celebrations. I guess our reaction is disappointed but not surprised given the increase in military action and violence over the weekend. Our thoughts and prayers have been, and remain, with you although that seems such an inadequate response in light of the current situation. With warm greetings to yourself and Salwa from all of us here at BibleLands. Mo
Dear Samia and Salwa:
I was so sorry to receive your e-mail this morning informing us of the postponement of the Jubilee celebrations of Rawdat El-Zuhur. We can only weep with you all- and pray for you. “O pray for the peace of Jerusalem” has been in our thoughts during this past Holy Week. As Jesus beat the powers of darkness on the Cross, and brought new peace, joy, hope and life through his Resurrection, we pray that the light of Jesus may soon shine once more brightly in the land of his birth, and that your sorrow may be turned int dancing, your tears of sadness into rivers of joy. With every blessing to you all. Philip Morris
Dear Samia and SalwaThank you indeed for your invitation to the anniversary. We have been watching the developments in the Holy Land with much sorrow and concern, and you, the staff and children and families are in our praers every day.
We had been hoping to join you, but my wife’s health has not been good. We hope both our and your situation will improve in the coming months, and we pray that not only the anniversary but all your work will be successful in these difficult days.
With our love, and our sincere thanks to you and all the staff for the work you are doing. Yours, John
A message on a 50th anniversary greeting card
Samia, Salwa, and all Rawdat friends,This was to have come with me on April 3; I am so sorry, especially for the children. Belatedly, it comes with sincere congratulations for all the school has done and is doing. I have today posted a cheque for Rawdat’s account – a gift that also would have come with me. Inshallah, later on! God bless you all. Jean Hughes
Dear Samia and Friends,
I was so sorry that you had to cancel your celebrations after looking forward and planning it for so long. The situation is particularly hard for the children so traumatised by all the trouble and we pray that things will ease and you will be able to have graduation and the musical in June. Of course Jean and I were disappointed not to feel able to be with you for as I kept saying to my friends I think you need our touching presence and maybe we can visit soon. Yesterday I sent a cheque to the Arab Bank for your account. This gift from me also includes an amount from one of our church members who gave me some money to bring out with me.
I wish you could have shared our service this morning. The minister’s theme as “Why do good people suffer?” and he took as one of his readings 1Peter 3 v.13-22. He illustrated it with material he had obtained from Christian Aid and a sentence from your last fax to Jean, “Thank goodness for people who have courage and have been reporting and demonstrating against brutality and injustice.” It was a very moving service.
With love and prayers. Audrey Swale
And a special message from Prague
Mile sestry – Samia a salwa,Posilam vam i detem pozdrav z Prahy. Myslime na modlitbach na vase misto. Prejeme vam vsem
Greetings to Mrs. Samia Khoury, Mrs. Salwa Zananiri, the staff and all the children.
Extra special greetings on your 50th Anniversary
I was so sorry to hear that you had to postpone your special show until later in the year. You must all be very disappointed – but think! It will be even better then! I hope that I will be able to come and see it and visit you all again.
Keep singing, “We shall overcome…..”
NOTHING can take away 50 years of a superb successful school with wonderful staff and perfect students nor all that you have learned and shard together.
Don’t stop looking forward to better times. I tell everyone what a great school you have.
With love and prayers from me and the children of St. Cynfelyn’s Church, Caerau. Jill Evans
Please send your comments and they will be posted.