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What does Rawdat El Zuhur mean?

A Quality Educational Experience

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Teaching peace is an important life meaning at Rawdat El Zuhur.

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P.O. box 19796, Jerusalem 91017
 Tel. 02-628-2062, FAX 02- 6287842

From Destitution to Quality Education

              The Occupation of the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and Gaza in 1967 created a new reality that forced Elizabeth Nasir to respond to. Having felt that she had contributed a lot to the elimination of the begging phenomenon, she turned around to comply with the  request of the girls' families who felt the need for formal education. That need was further stressed as all the government schools in Jerusalem fell under Israeli control and had to follow the Israeli Curriculum. There was an urgent request for Palestinian educational institutions and Rawdat El-Zuhur responded to that request.
            With a substantial support of the Norwegian Refugee Council, ARAMCO  and other organizations and churches, the program developed gradually, and by 1971, Rawdat El-Zuhur became a complete coeducational elementary school. The kindergarten section was added in 1979, and since then new children are admitted to the kindergarten only except for very rare and special humanitarian cases. 

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Thank you for visiting.
May God bless your days and nights,
while also
Blessing this  ministry to children

Web Author E-Mail:info@rawdat.org
Begun in 1997, updated May 2003