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A wonderful story of how we started.
What does Rawdat El Zuhur mean?

The School Buildings
Teaching peace is around and within us.

The yearly field trip and day camps.
How you can sponsor a child and build for peace.
Our graduates continue helping.
Teaching peace is an important life meaning at Rawdat El Zuhur.

Just some of our friends.

Read our most recent Newsletter.Go to our Home Page.

P.O. box 19796, Jerusalem 91017
Tel. 02-628-2062, FAX 02-6287842


You can support Rawdat El Zuhur by wiring your gift.
Financing of Rawdat El-Zuhur

         Rawdat El-Zuhur depends a great deal on the support of friends, members, organizations and churches. It is through the substantial sponsorship and scholarship programs of the following organizations that the service of Rawdat El-Zuhur continues to be available:  
    The BibleLands ( England) 
    Wider Church Ministries/ United Church of Christ (USA) 
         Sponsorship program. 
     American Near East Refugee Aid- ANERA (USA) 

           Because the school caters for mainly the lower income community, the tuition fees are minimal, and hardly cover 20% of the actual cost of maintaining a child at the school. 

           The Elizabeth Nasir Trust Fund which was established in honor of the founder of Rawdat El-Zuhur has a long way to go before its interest can begin to support the operating budget. Donations for that fund came mainly from friends of Elizabeth Nasir upon her retirement and in lieu of flowers for her funeral . Friends are encouraged to honor the memory of their dear ones through such meaningful donations. 

All donations can be deposited at any of our bank accounts as follows: 

Dear Friends,

We just got a notice from the Arab Bank in New York informing 
us that they will not be able to handle transfer of funds any more. 
So will you kindly take note of that , and as of today , 
April 4th 2005, please do not send any ckecks to our account at the New York Branch. 
You may however transfer funds directly to our account at
The Arab Bank in Palestine


      Rawdat El-Zuhur       Account Number 605806 / 510       Arab Bank       El-Bireh-Palestine       SWIFT: ARABPS 22030
For Contributions in the UK

      Rawdat El-Zuhur       Account # 1001-570060-410       The Arab Bank       73 Brook       Mayfair       London WIK 4HX       Swift: ARABGB2L
      Tel. 020-7315-8600

      Fax 020-7499-4193

Personal checks Personal (crossed)checks can be sent in the name of Rawdat-El-Zuhur by registered mail to:
      Rawdat-El_Zuhur       P.O.Box 19796       E.Jerusalem  91017,       via Israel      
 Thank you very much for your cooperation,
 Yours sincerely,

 Salwa Zananiri

  School Principal

Please browse the pages inside this site for answers to commonly asked questions and inquire if you would like to know more.

Thank you for visiting.
May God bless your days and nights,
while also
Blessing this  ministry to children

Web Author E-Mail:quill@wcnet.org
A web presence since in 1997