The School Building
For many years the school functioned under very difficult conditions
lack of space and the necessary facilities. The class rooms were
and every corner of the original home was utilized without leaving much
moving space for the children.
tent was put up at one time for the kindergarten, and both the hall and
the kitchen had to be used as class rooms in order to cope with the new
admissions. With a substantial grant from the Lutheran Church in
for the amount of $61,000 and a generous gift of Mrs. Shirley Phillips
for the amount of $50,000 a new floor was finally added to the school
The new floor was furnished through a grant from the Biblelands for the
amount of 17000 Sterling pounds.
was inaugurated
in 1991 in memory of Elizabeth Nasir who passed away before seeing the
dream fulfilled. It had taken the Israeli Authorities seven years to
the school a building permit for the new floor. The new space has three
class rooms, a library, dedicated to the memory of Robert and Sophie
from the USA, who left a legacy of $12,290 for Rawdat El-Zuhur, a
dedicated to the memory of professor Huetten Berger from Germany whose
friends sent a donation of DM10,000 in lieu of flowers for his funeral,
and an all purpose hall dedicated to the memory of Dr. Helen Edick form
the USA who left a legacy of $10,000 for the school.
The original building which was rented to Elizabeth Nasir, the founder
of Rawdat El Zuhur as her home, now houses the kindergarten and the
office, and the staff room. An annex which had been added to the home
the early seventies is used for the first three grades. Although the
playground is very small, there are limited facilities for basketball
volleyball training, and a special play area for the